医者たちの共犯、沈黙 −−米軍の捕虜虐待

医学雑誌の The Lancet ではじまり、イラクがでたところで、まとめではないが、この2つがからむニュース。

Abu Ghraib doctors knew of torture, says Lancet report

John Carvel, social affairs editor
Friday August 20, 2004
The Guardian

同誌はミネソタ大学のバイオエシクスの専門家スティーヴン・マイルズ Steven Miles 教授の論文を掲載。この中でマイルズ教授は、米軍の医者や看護婦はアブ・グライブにおける拷問や虐待の事実を明確に知りながら、1月に公式調査が始まるまでこのことを告発しなかった、と述べている。



Steven H. Miles, "Abu Ghraib: its legacy for military medicine"
アブ・グライブ −− 軍務医療活動への教訓

は、 thelancet.comで参照できる。記事を読むには登録が必要だが無料で簡単。登録して入れば、PDFでダウンロードもできる。2800語ほど(ランセット誌の割付で7カラム弱)の本文に対し、公聴会記録、公式文書などへレファレンスを59個つけるソリッドな論文。


・拷問への協力(立案・参加) The medical system collaborated with designing and implementing psychologically and physically coercive interrogations. Army officials stated that a physician and a psychiatrist helped design, approve, and monitor interrogations at Abu Ghraib.

・病気や怪我の記録のごまかし The medical system failed to accurately report illnesses and injuries.34 Abu Ghraib authorities did not notify families of deaths, sicknesses, or transfers to medical facilities as required by the Convention.

・死亡証明書の偽造 Death certificates of detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq were falsified or their release or completion was delayed for months.24,39 Medical investigators either failed to investigate unexpected deaths of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan or performed cursory evaluations and physicians routinely attributed detainee deaths on death certificates to heart attacks, heat stroke, or natural causes without noting the unnatural aetiology of the death.

・沈黙 Finally, although knowledge of torture and degrading treatment was widespread at Abu Ghraib and known to medical personnel,13,41,44 there is no report before the January 2004 Army investigation of military health personnel reporting abuse, degradation, or signs of torture.



Military personnel treating prisoners of war face a "dual loyalty conflict". The Geneva Convention addresses this ethical dilemma squarely: "Although [medical personnel] shall be subject to the internal discipline of the camp . . . such personnel may not be compelled to carry out any work other than that concerned with their medical . . . duties." By this standard, the moral advocacy of military medicine for the detainees of the war on terror broke down.


Such reform must begin with a comprehensive investigation. At this time, it is not possible to know the absolute or relative prevalence of the various abuses or fully assess the performance of military medical personnel with regard to human rights abuses.
Reforms stemming from such an inquiry could yet create a valuable legacy from the ruins of Abu Ghraib.

この論文は Opinion & Review 欄に掲載されているが、これを受けて編集論説(Editorial)も

How complicit are doctors in abuses of detainees?


Health-care workers should now break their silence. Those who were involved in or witnessed ill-treatment need to give a full and accurate account of events at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. Those who are still in positions where dual commitments prevent them from putting the rights of their patients above other interests, should protest loudly and refuse cooperation with authorities. The wider non-military medical community should unite in support of their colleagues and condemn torture and inhumane and degrading practices against detainees. Abu Ghraib should serve as an eleventh hour wake-up call for the western world to rediscover and live by the values enshrined in its international treaties and democratic constitutions
