「暴動対策(or カウンター・インティファーダ)」のノウハウをイスラエルにならう。

イスラエルの治安責任者が10日、日曜フランス側の要請でパリへ。内務大臣に会い、暴動対策のノウハウを地元の警察、機動隊にレッスン。ニュースソースは、陰謀論好きメディアではなくて、イスラエルの新聞 Haaretz。

Police officials Ezra, Karadi fly to Paris to advise on riot control By Jonathan Lis, Haaretz Correspondent
Last update - 08:00 12/12/2005

Public Security Minister Gideon Ezra and Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi departed for France on Sunday as part of a four-day working visit to advise local law enforcement on methods of managing the sort of lawlessness witnessed during the riots in Paris suburbs in recent weeks.

Ezra and Karadi are expected to meet with French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy and the chief of police.

Officials familiar with the details of the trip say that Ezra and Karadi will visit French police crowd control units.

Ezra and Karadi are expected to share with their French counterparts lessons Israeli security services have learned from experiences with rioting, including the events of October 2000.

The French are said to be highly interested in Israeli know-how on the matter.
